Touch Bar¶
Acorn offers touch bar options for the MacBook Pro if you are running OS 10.12.2 or later. You can learn more about the touch bar here. Select your tool and the various touch bar options for that tool will be displayed. The options for each touch bar display are listed below, going from left to right across the bar. The esc key on the far left is present for all tools.
When no images are open, Acorn will display a New button and show a list of recently opened images in the touch bar.
Move, Zoom, and Pan Tools

After you drag out a crop on your canvas, the crop touch bar options will appear.

Selection Tools

Flood Fill, Pencil Tools
Click on the color well button in the touch bar and the color sliders will appear.

Paint, Eraser, Clone, Dodge, Burn, Smudge Tools
Click on the color well button in the touch bar and the color sliders will appear.

When you click on the text tool, the color wells for changing fill and stroke colors appear in the touch bar. When you click on the canvas to begin writing your text, the touch bar will update with the text options shown below. To end text editing, touch the escape button and you will return to the fill/stroke options.

When you click on any shape tool, the color wells for changing fill and stroke colors appear in the touch bar. You can also turn the fill and stroke off/on.
When two or more shapes are selected you can select a Boolean operation, and alignment options in the touch bar.
With a star shape selected you can adjust the number of points of the star using the touch bar.

Scale and Transform: Rotate left and right, cancel, and apply buttons. Free Transform: Flip layer vertically or horizontally, cancel, and apply buttons.